What does the Woman’s Board of the Hospital do?
The Woman’s Board exists in order to raise funds for Norwalk Hospital and to support the interest and work of the hospital.
What are the activities of the Woman’s Board?
Its primary activity is the Treasure House, a thrift shop whose profit is donated to the growth and development of the hospital and supportive activities such as the following:
- Supporting the Hospital in major campaigns
- Support of the Whittingham Cancer Center
- Buying equipment for various departments of
the hospital, such as therapy pediatrics
- Supplying funds for special gifts
- Support of the Little Chapel at Norwalk Hospital
What are the obligations of a Woman’s Board member?
As members of the organization we constantly shift roles. Members serve as officers of the Woman’s Board, we need members to head committees, to take their turn as chairmen and officers of Treasure House. We call on the many talents of our membership: artistic, organizational, secretarial and financial, and we need members who have knowledge of antiques, furs, collectibles and jewelry.